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The School Of Client Attraction

Jul 31, 2023

The world's richest black man is Mr. Robert F. Smith. 

He's said to be worth $9 billion. 

The best part? 

He made all that money himself, starting from scratch. 

This means you can become the next Robert F. Smith if you play your cards right. 

Wondering how? 

In this episode, I uncover the steps Mr. Robert took to build...

Jul 24, 2023

Will this work for me?

This is what most people worry about when they want to buy a course or coaching program.

But the truth is, whether a course will work for you or not depends on you.

Even if a course is really good and others have had amazing results, there's still a chance it won't work for you.

Why? Because...

Jul 17, 2023

How great would it be if you could make more money every year by doing something on the side? 

The best part is you won't have to go to an office or sign up on any job website. 

And this side hustle is so profitable that if you do it well enough, you can earn six figures. 

So, what exactly is it? 

In this episode, I...

Jul 10, 2023

The easiest way to succeed in life is by learning from what's already successful, rather than trying to create something entirely new. 

This principle also applies to your business. 

Because truth be told, no entirely new strategies or techniques.

It's simply a matter of new businesses adopting the proven methods of...

Jul 3, 2023

You've been sold the dream of a $30k/month coaching business. 

They say it will give you a life of freedom. 

But guess what? $30,000 per month is just a tip of the iceberg. 

You can reach up to $1 million per month and even $10 million per year without having to start from scratch or work extra hard. 

All you need is...