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The School Of Client Attraction

May 25, 2020

Do you have a full calendar, yet still don’t make the kind of income you dreamed of when you started your coaching practice? You can be the absolute best at what you do and still lose business to coaches that are nowhere near as skilled as you are. 

So what do they know that you don’t?

In this episode, Marquel...

May 18, 2020

How many times have you heard things like “You’re just one funnel away!” and “Funnelhacker”? There are some very smart marketers out there who would like you to believe that the right funnel is the key to a successful business (oh and by the way… they’re also happy to sell you the software to do it!) But...

May 11, 2020

Are you frustrated at consistently failing to land your dream clients? You know, the ones that respect and value what you bring to the table, and would skyrocket your business to the next level? Well, there’s a good chance that something you’re doing in your business is driving them away.

In this episode, Marquel...